
The Aerobatic Contest Archive.

Over the time I was getting involved in contest aerobatics I was not only interested in the current year contests but also for the history. After looking at all kinds of webpages, starting with the FAI, CIVA and German-Aerobatics I have not found very complete data about it. In addition, there are some information in books, published from different Persons over the years.

Therefore, I started to collect every tiny bit of data in a growing database. Now, far from a complete status, it contains never the less huge amount of information I like to present to the world. You can browse this information at this home page, but there is also a possibility to include the data at different Aerobatic Pages as well. I provide WCF-Webservices that every NAC (National Aerobatic Commission) can implement on their web side. Just contact me for advice. There is already an implementation for the German-Aerobatic webpage and a link from the CIVA-News webpage.

For the future, I plan to develop a windows phone app, so you can access the data on mobile clients as well. If someone else also want to develop a mobile app for other systems, he or she might want to contact me.

In addition, your help is required. I like to include much more contests and information about the pilots and planes. If you have, any info not already included or any corrections please send me your knowledge. If you have any pictures related to the pilots, planes and contests and I can use it here free, it is very welcome. If you find any content, I have no right to use : Please send me the info so I can remove the content.

Many thanks to the following people, for their help to collect the data:
Rolf Hankers, Kathi Suthau, Mr. Lemke, Nick Buckenham, Mike Heuer, Elena Klimovic, Madelyne Delcroix and Jorge Macias Alonso. Last but not least I have to thank Peter Wanschura, who gave me his collection of articles and Notes of archive.
Sources: FAI, Aerokurier, Flugsport, Flug Revue, Sport Aerobatics, Sport Flieger, Flight Fantastic a lot of smaller hints from books and webpages.

Thank you all!
Michael Garbers